time for some changes!

hi there! my site has been live for nearly a year (yay!) and all the little ones that have graced the top of my blog have grown.  i've had the chance to meet some wonderful new babies and capture lots of laughter and love over the past year, so i decided it was time to give my blog header an update.

what do ya think of the new slide images? any winners that i should add back from the old set (below) that you're sad to see go?

i'm so bad with change...there's a good chance i'll wake up in a few days and miss some of these and add them back :).

more changes coming in the next few days over on my Facebook page too!

memory lanes | wickford, ri

over thanksgiving, we spent some time in rhode island with my family. after a few major eat-a-thons, we spent the afternoon at wickford lanes for some duckpin bowling (and a poor attempt at working off the millions of calories!).  duckpins are a thing of the past, there are only about 60 remaining places in the country where you can experience this fun twist on normal bowling. the duckpin balls are teeny, perfect for weaklings like myself or little kids.  i have pictures from when i was probably pre-school aged on these lanes, with my leg warmers, pigtails and saddle shoes.  chances are i wasn't any better at bowling last weekend than when i was 4, but it was still a great time with the fam for a few hours...even if we had no clue how to keep score!

it was so nice to be in this little time-warped building and get away from the daily buzz. always nice to find a way to slow down as the holidays and end of the year come rushing upon us. hope you had an enjoyable thanksgiving and are taking time to give thanks for all we've been given!

all photos courtesy of my iPhone!

hatchling O + his family

yesterday i introduced you to baby Henry and now you get to meet his (only slightly) older cousin, Oliver!!  this sweet boy was another one who was just not interested in sleeping during his shoot...kinda tough when you have a sister who's a little ball of excitement roaming around the house! he was so expressive for only being two weeks old, guess he already knows that he needs to have a big personality to fit into this awesome family!! :)

Big sister Lucy was another one who didn't seem overly interested in having a new brother, but didn't mind giving him a little poke to show him who's boss! she's such a happy girl, i know ollie is going to have so much fun chasing her around when he gets bigger! if he's lucky she might even teach him 'what the fox says', haha, goosie-girl, you brighten my day :).

don't even get me started on their hair! i can't get enough! oliver's wispy fine strawberry locks and lucy's tightly wound perfect curls are mesmerizing...even the trees in the neighborhood were jealous :).

so glad we finally found time to get this beautiful family in front of my camera! congrats guys!! xo!

hatchling H + his family

oh sweet little newborn babies, how i love capturing some of your first moments of your life here with us! i'd gladly jump out of bed early every saturday morning to spend some quiet hours with this new little fella!

baby henry was born just about a week before halloween and on his ninth day of being a cute little cuddle bug, i had the opportunity to capture some fun shots of him and his family! henry decided that being a model was far more exciting than sleeping...even after extra feedings and rocking and white noise...so i stuck with the lifestyle shooting style rather than persuading him into too many poses, and i'm just so happy with how they came out! he's already pretty inquisitive, just like his big brother so i think he'll fit in just fine :).

once ben woke up from his nap (in his new big boy room!), we ventured outside to soak up some beautiful fall sun. just proves you don't have to venture far from home to get some lovely pictures!! the happiness of this new family of four just oozes out of this photo, i love it!! :)

a day in the backyard isn't complete without a little yard work!

while ben's not overly interested in his newest family member yet, his gentle nature lends for some sweet moments whenever we asked him to give henry some kisses.  can't wait to watch these little boys grow up to be best friends! xo!

Julia's First Birthday Party

this past weekend we celebrated the first birthday of our sweet little niece. i cannot believe it's been a year since this bitty girl came into the world in the middle of hurricane sandy. being able to document her life has been an excellent adventure and she never ceases to amaze me with her beauty...and smart little smirks :).

julia's parents went to great lengths to entertain a huge amount of family and friends. everything was delicious and perfectly fitting for a fall festival! from the gigantic crock of chili, with all the fixings you could ever imagine, to the frankenstein puddings and even a pumpkin carving/painting table to keep all of julia's friends happy!

the birthday girl was so chic in her classic black dress...with just a touch of gold and a teeny tutu popping out! i think i need to find one in my size!

hi, friends! who's having fun?!?!

can't have a bday party without a cake, right?! jules didn't go wild, that would be so out of character for this gal. she was more concerned with actually ingesting the cake rather than making a major mess out of it, but it still made for some very funny reactions!

how can a halloween baby not show off her costume to all of the party-goers?! just how cute is this little lamby?! ugh, love her and her little rolly baby legs! :) happy birthday, julia! xoxo!!

fall vacation | ocean city, nj

as the days get shorter and the leaves begin to change, i can't help but get excited for sweaters, tights, boots, and scarves. fall fashion is superb, but i can never get enough of summer life!

every year, my new jersey family rents a place right on the beach in ocean city and it never fails to satisfy my need for one last blast of salt-kissed air before fall officially sets in. waking up to the lull of the waves and the squawk of gulls...and this year, some energetic toddlers eating their 'baffles'...sets the tone for a fantastic day.

for the first time (for me), we took a day trip to cape may and explored their stretch of sand and victorian neighborhoods.  the weather was gorgeous and had the wind died down, i would've been in that ocean! we toured the bird sanctuary and saw the lighthouse - which is in the middle of a parking lot, huh?! and of course lots of ocean, birds and blue.

back in ocean city, we walked the boardwalk between naps (only for the kids this year!).  being together with the ever-expanding in-law brood was relaxing, rambunctious and filling.  we had our fill of sand, candy, boardwalk treats, delicious homemade dinners and of course, plenty of laughs. as the years pass and the family grows, the memories and traditions grow as well...i'm sure we'll never travel to the shore again without dry-erase markers to take notes, write recipes and do math problems on the sliding glass doors (WHY?!? haha).

thank you to nonna & papaZ for another great seaside escape! xo!!

more vacation snaps here!

McShea Family Fundraiser - October 4th!!

We're only a few days away from the McShea Family Beef & Beer benefit, (THIS FRIDAY!!) and it's shaping up to be an outstanding event!  There will be exciting raffle and auction items up for grabs so not only do you get a tasty meal and a chance to help out a deserving family but you also can snag some awesome prizes!!

Perch Sisters will be donating a lifestyle session at the auction so if you've been thinking about booking a session but haven't gotten around to it, this is the perfect opportunity to WIN one! So mark this event on your calendars for this Friday night and come out for this great cause!!

Click here for details on how to buy tickets or donate! Hope to see you there!

bam and his fam | nj family photographer

you didn't really think i was only going to share ONE picture of BAM on the blog, did you? here are a few more of this magical little boy plus more of his brothers along with a couple of the whole flock.

i can't stop saying it - beckett looks so great!! you'd have no idea he had open heart surgery and was going back for more! he is just one content little dude and loved being cuddled by his mommy & daddy.

even the happiest of babes have their moments...i think he was just mad at me for making him hang out in the crib for a few shots. sorry, sorry! please don't make this face again, you're breakin' my heart lil' man!!

while the nursery was a beautiful location for the first part of the family's lifestyle shoot, we knew we wanted to take advantage of the incredible weather but wanted it to be easy to transport all of the little guys. Elissa recommended the Paint Works/Silver Lake which was just a walk away and it turned out to be perfect! sure there were gaggles of geese to avoid, but there was a path off the paved path that had just the right amount of mid-day light pouring through the foliage. made for some extra special moments with BAM and the rest of the family.

thank you, chris & liss, for letting me spend some fun hours documenting your little brood! can't wait to see the images gracing your walls! xo!

double trouble: twin toddlers | nj family photographer

fifteen month old twins, cronin & hudson, were such a delight to photograph! i started snapping up images of their precious faces as they were waking up from their naps...and that means toothbrush time! such obedient little babes and they woke up full of smiles and ready to play. i guess i'd be pretty happy waking up in their gorgeous nursery too! elissa has done an amazing job decorating their entire house but the details in the nursery are just impeccable! homemade touches from family members, fun fabrics and patterns made for a room that the boys will enjoy for years to come.

i can't wait to finally find a new house so i can hire elissa to help me with the decorating details...ya know, in her spare time!

being the parents of twins means you get the chance to do everything twice. twice the kisses, hugs, giggles, cookie crumbs to clean...and of course twice the stinky feet to smell while trying to find two pairs of tiny shoes! i was so impressed with how chris & liss managed these three little munchkins with such organization. it was like a watching a choreographed dance routine...with far less spandex, of course!

check out the hair on these guys! their teeny curls are just perfect!

watching the twins grow means watching their individual personalities shine through and it's so exciting to capture the things they share and the things that are special to each of them.
cronin loves his books and all things soft & cuddly. he's already got killer dance moves :). when i broke out my fuzzy blankets he immediately buried his face in them and kept laughing...super hysterical! no wonder mr. moo is his favorite toy!

hudson (huddy-buddy)is more focused on the little details, he is pensive and excels at puzzles and figuring out meticulous tasks. of course that means he can work an iphone like a pro!

my favorite part of the nursery part of the shoot was when i decided to see how they'd each react to sitting in a basket which i had brought for their baby brother. it really highlights just how different these twin brothers are in certain aspects. while cronin was excited to be sitting on a soft blanky, he was SO not into being confined to a basket...

...while hud on the other hand probably would've been content to just chill there all day so long as there were some great tunes playing in the background! they were both so darn easy going, made for a very enjoyable afternoon!!

more to come from this lifestyle shoot in the upcoming days! check back soon for more pictures and click here for details on how to buy tickets or donate to the mcshea family benefit on October 4th.

BAM: the story of a wise heart

My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad.

- Proverb 23:15 - 

meet baby beckett, otherwise known by his super hero name - BAM. 

little BAM is only two months old but already has the wisest heart of anyone i know and is loved by a family with the strongest hearts around.

beckett is loved by two 15 month old twin brothers, cronin & hudson - who will be making their very own appearance on the blog soon.  when the twins arrived last year, their parents found out that hudson had a valve defect and would need heart surgery. imagine the flood of emotions that comes with having a new baby...times two!...and then add to that a new twist of having to take care of a baby with a heart problem and plan for his major surgery.

flash forward a few months and the story takes yet another turn, surprise...baby number three is on the way!! my oh my! what a whirlwind year 2012 was for the mcshea family! but the craziness, and unfortunately the heartache, doesn't stop there.

while chris & elissa went to their ultrasound to reveal the gender of their newest babe, an unthinkable complication was revealed too. baby boy number three had a life-threatening heart condition - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.

it was unreal, unimaginable and downright unfair.

but they refused to let their faith or hearts waiver for a second. they focused on taking care of the twins and preparing for surgery for huddy and baby boy to be. they surrounded themselves with extraordinary family and friends (who continue to provide an incredible support system) and they did what they could...they found the positive. the silver lining. the glimmer of hope.

and on july 25th, Beckett Aloysius was born...as healthy as could be for a boy with an underdeveloped heart! he has had not one, but two, operations.  he has seen more doctors than most children will in their lifetime, has had more shots and more medication, but despite the odds, he got to come home from CHOP earlier than expected!

BAM has received so many prayers, hugs and an outpouring of love in just two tiny months and it is incredible to see what that positive energy can do!  his little heart is keeping him strong as he's growing and smiling and trying to figure out how best to fit in with his wild twin brothers!

but there is still a long journey ahead for this beautiful babe and everyday is a balancing act to keep all of the boys happy. the hospital bills don't slow down just because beckett's settling in at home and additional surgeries and doctor's visits on the horizon mean more expenses will pile up. so to help out beckett's family, an event is being held for them next friday (October 4th)!!

please take a moment to check out the event details here and stop by if you're in the area!

so much more of this lovely little guy, as well as the rest of the family, will be hitting the blog later in the week, so keep an eye out!

*updated with event details for non-facebook friends:
On Friday, October 4th, Chris's and Elissa's families will be hosting a Beef & Beer to help cover the medical costs that they have already paid and will continue to pay in the future as they prepare for Beckett's future surgeries and Hud receives his follow-up care. The event will be held from 7-11pm at St. Katherine of Siena Parish McBride Hall (9700 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114-2815). Tickets are $30 and include food, wine and draft beer, and you can also BYOB. DJ, 50/50 and Chinese Auction will also be happening!

Norristown Farm Park

could've sworn we officially had another week left of summer, but it sure doesn't feel like it today! here are a few pictures from a walk on one of the many paths at Norristown Farm Park...from a few weeks back when shorts were the outfit of choice! the Farm Park is only a few minutes away from my house and has a lot of great walking/biking trails on the property. just watch out for the ones that take you straight through the ancient (but still active) mental institute!  only a little disappointing to arrive and realize that all of the corn fields were planted with soy beans this year, bummer. can't wait to hold some fall photo shoots here...just not in the prickly soy bean fields!