New to the Nest: Sweet Baby J

Is there anything sweeter than this 6 day old hatchling basking in the beautiful Memorial Day sun? Baby J made his debut a few weeks early, but he was strong and healthy and I think he wanted to enjoy the incredible summer weather the east coast was experiencing!  He was such a precious little guy with his serious expressions, extra wrinkly forehead and loads of hair - and a pretty debonaire side part thanks to his aunt's styling skills.

Baby J is lucky to have such wonderful parents who clearly adore every little thing about him! Thankfully they were prepped and ready to welcome this little guy no matter whether he was planning to arrive according to plan or not. The competitive spirit present in all members of his extended family is alive and kicking in J already, apparent by his need to cross that pregnancy finish line ahead of schedule :).

Hope the little man is keeping up his good sleeping habits! So glad I had the chance to document him during his very first week of what's sure to be an adventure-filled life!

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