playtime with the electric lady

yesterday, we went into new jersey for the afternoon and i got to spend some time playing with my little niece.  she's growing up so fast and is doing all sorts of new tricks every time we see her, it's really amazing how much a week can change a 10 month old!! she came in wearing the cutest outfit - complete with pink skinny 'jeans' and a matching flower headband, that quickly found its way to the floor. her blue shirt made her, already incredible, eyes look insanely electric when we stepped out into the sun!

i mean, seriously, where do we sign her up for her modeling career?!
inside, she was more than content occupying herself. she played peek-a-boo with her dress and somehow managed to make every single leapfrog sound/light go off at once :).

i don't think i've ever seen a toddler so focused on performing a when she decided this book page looked like an excellent teething toy, she worked with all of her might to hold it up while she delicately leaned over and began gnawing on it, haha. hope the hard work was worth it, jules!

i know the focus is quite off on this next one, but there was something about it that i just couldn't pass up - the heart button? her crazy long eyelashes? or maybe just how peaceful she looks while at play?!

see you again soon little lady!! xo!

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