playtime with the water baby

oh C, i can't stand it! how did you get so old?! nearly two and looking less like the baby your parents brought home from the hospital. wasn't that just a blink of an eye ago!?

when the weather is sticky and you're stuck in a state without a shoreline, sprinklers go a long way for creating a happy water park for the little ones. the best thing about being a toddler is that you don't care what the calendar says. who cares if the summer is winding down on paper and the sun is stuck behind storm clouds? if there's water to soak up, expect laughter to follow!

who cares if you have a perfectly good sippy cup of fresh, clean water in your play area? drinking from a hose, sprinkler or a squishy water ball is always far more delicious! plus you get the extra nutrients from any potential dirt or grass that gets mixed in :).

once C caught on to the fact that i was stalking him with my camera, he decided to show off some sprinkler jousting skills. such a little ham, he would run through the drops and then come right over to make sure he liked what i captured, haha. maybe he'll be my next photo assistant!

he refused to give mimi a hug so we could get a cute picture of the two of them together. maybe he was just thinking that it would be nice to keep her clothes dry...or maybe he was thinking he'd much rather keep playing before the inevitable towel came to end one of his last summer evenings at the water park!

thanks for keeping me and my camera fairly dry, C! had a great time watching you love life! xo!

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