Julia's First Birthday Party

this past weekend we celebrated the first birthday of our sweet little niece. i cannot believe it's been a year since this bitty girl came into the world in the middle of hurricane sandy. being able to document her life has been an excellent adventure and she never ceases to amaze me with her beauty...and smart little smirks :).

julia's parents went to great lengths to entertain a huge amount of family and friends. everything was delicious and perfectly fitting for a fall festival! from the gigantic crock of chili, with all the fixings you could ever imagine, to the frankenstein puddings and even a pumpkin carving/painting table to keep all of julia's friends happy!

the birthday girl was so chic in her classic black dress...with just a touch of gold and a teeny tutu popping out! i think i need to find one in my size!

hi, friends! who's having fun?!?!

can't have a bday party without a cake, right?! jules didn't go wild, that would be so out of character for this gal. she was more concerned with actually ingesting the cake rather than making a major mess out of it, but it still made for some very funny reactions!

how can a halloween baby not show off her costume to all of the party-goers?! just how cute is this little lamby?! ugh, love her and her little rolly baby legs! :) happy birthday, julia! xoxo!!

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