yesterday i introduced you to baby Henry and now you get to meet his (only slightly) older cousin, Oliver!! this sweet boy was another one who was just not interested in sleeping during his shoot...kinda tough when you have a sister who's a little ball of excitement roaming around the house! he was so expressive for only being two weeks old, guess he already knows that he needs to have a big personality to fit into this awesome family!! :)

Big sister Lucy was another one who didn't seem overly interested in having a new brother, but didn't mind giving him a little poke to show him who's boss! she's such a happy girl, i know ollie is going to have so much fun chasing her around when he gets bigger! if he's lucky she might even teach him 'what the fox says', haha, goosie-girl, you brighten my day :).

don't even get me started on their hair! i can't get enough! oliver's wispy fine strawberry locks and lucy's tightly wound perfect curls are mesmerizing...even the trees in the neighborhood were jealous :).

so glad we finally found time to get this beautiful family in front of my camera! congrats guys!! xo!