Love Birds: Kara+Chris Narragansett Beach Engagement

Over two years ago, as we rang in the New Year, we watched with sinking stomachs as Kara's wish lantern began to sink back towards the earth.  She rushed after it as we held our breath and prayed with all of our might that she wouldn't catch fire and that her wishes wouldn't crash into the ocean.  Somehow she willed it back up into the sky and new hope was restored in my sister, the eternal optimist.

Now we know her wishes from that night did come true.

After having met each a few years prior, through an internship program in their home state of RI, they reconnected before Christmas in Boston and had their first date right around NYE two and a half years ago.  Once again, we held our breath and hoped that this would be a guy that could match Kara's excitement for life, crazy love for costumes and share in her love for just about everything :).

Flash forward to 3 months and 50 emails ago and I think it was obvious that no one was more prepared to love and support my Perch Sister than Chris.  He went to great lengths to stage an incredibly involved proposal that not only allowed Chris to remind her of his love for her, but also allowed other loved ones to participate in their journey from boyfriend/girlfriend to engaged couple.

I am so thankful to have been a part of this awesome experience and to witness the happiest person I know receive the best surprise of her life!

We were blessed with gorgeous weather yesterday for their proposal.  Kara was whisked off to the beach early in the morning with two of her best girlfriends from grade school days.  Meanwhile, Chris was making his way to the beach on a jet ski and all of the other players in the day were taking their places down the beach. At each stop along Kara's walk, she was presented with a gift that Chris has assembled which contained little mementos of special times in their relationship (how he saved all this stuff without her stumbling upon it is beyond me!). The gifts were especially sweet because they also typically included some tie to the gift presenter as well...can you believe this guy?!

While she made her trek, she obviously knew that something was up, but in true Kara fashion, was still blown away to see the next group of people waiting anxiously for her.

When she arrived at (what we knew was) the last stop (our parents), she kept looking down the beach for Chris...because he had to be down there somewhere, right?! Of course we're all looking out at the ocean waiting for him to make his grand entrance on the jet ski and when we pointed him out to Kara she literally could not believe her eyes!!

He dropped to his knee and popped the question with a perfectly beautiful ring...and we all held our breath that it would make it onto her finger and not get lost in the surf or sand.  But the moment she said yes and had that rock on her hand, we knew we could breathe easily and we could celebrate and shower them with love before they rode off into the sun!

Congratulations you two, can't describe how happy I am for you both!! xoxo!

find more pictures here!